Publié le par A.P.ré. (Frédéric Guyonnet)

Chers amis,

A l'occasion des élections prèsidentielles américaines, les Jeunes Pop' 31 ont le plaisir de vous inviter à un dîner-dèbat dèdiè à cet évènement majeur.

Des intervenants avec une expèrience en matière de politique amèricaine (dont le consul des Etats-Unis), se succèderont au cours de la soirèe, qui finira par un dèbat entre un représentant Démocrate et un partisan de John McCain.

Nous vous attendons nombreux à cette soirée, vos amis sont les bienvenus.


Jean-Lionel Nogues et Maximilien Steib
RDJA Jeunes Pop 31

- David BROWN, Consul des Etats Unis à Toulouse
- Christine DE VEYRAC, député européen UMP, observatrice sur la campagne de Georges Bush en 1988.
- Chantal DOUNOT, Conseillére régionale UMP, Maître de conférence en relations internationales
- Philippe PERRIN, ancien astronaute

Bulletin à renvoyer avant le 3 novembre 2008 à :
Jeunes UMP 31 / Elections USA
6, boulevard de Strasbourg
31000 Toulouse

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Dear Supporter,<br /> <br /> We're now four days away from Election Day.<br /> <br /> All the polls are tightening and important races across the country are going to come down to the wire.<br /> <br /> The Obama-Biden Democrats are using their financial edge over our candidates to flood media markets with ads, stuff mail boxes with their literature, and pay workers to canvass neighborhoods.<br /> <br /> We must raise an additional $5 million in the next 72 hours to help fund our final get-out-the-vote efforts.<br /> <br /> Our team needs you to make one more donation of any amount you can afford as we head into this weekend.<br /> <br /> Thanks to your generosity, our candidates are closing in the polls, but in these final days turning out voters to the polls and convincing undecided voters is the name of the game.<br /> <br /> Please follow this link to make an immediate donation of any amount - whether it's $25 or $250 - every dollar will help fund our final get-out-the-vote efforts.<br /> <br /> If the Democrats have total control of Washington, they will waste no time in passing a tax increase, immediately pulling out of Iraq and reducing funding for our men and women in uniform.<br /> <br /> While our nation faces unprecedented economic challenges, the Obama-Biden Democrats' solution is to "spread the wealth around."<br /> <br /> But our entire team of reformers has a plan to spread opportunity to all Americans through tax relief and job creation.<br /> <br /> And if our ticket is elected next Tuesday, we'll get right to work and reform Washington to get our nation back on the right track.<br /> <br /> But, this won't happen if we aren't elected. With just days to go, we need your financial support now more than ever. Please consider making a donation to McCain-Palin Victory 2008 today. Thank you.<br /> <br /> Sincerely,<br /> <br /> Governor Sarah Palin<br /> <br /> P.S. Going into the final weekend of the campaign, we need the financial resources to compete with the Obama-Biden Democrats' fundraising advantage. Your immediate donation of $25 or more will be put to work to win important races across the country. Thank you for your support.
Team- <br /> <br /> We're now less than a week away from Election Day and early and absentee voting is underway in many states. This is the final push to the finish line and we need you to get involved. <br /> <br /> In the final days leading up to November 4th, we need every supporter to cast their ballot for our ticket. All early indicators show significant voter turn-out across and the country and your vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin matters now more than ever. <br /> <br /> In addition to your vote, we need you to reach out to at least 5 undecided voters to ensure they cast their vote for McCain-Palin. <br /> <br /> Follow this link to send an email to your contacts to send them a note recruiting them to vote and don't forget to include a message about why you support our ticket. <br /> <br /> If you recruit 5 or more undecided voters to vote for McCain-Palin, as our way of showing our appreciation for your efforts, your name will be added to our "5 for Victory" leader board on <br /> <br /> We both know that John McCain and Sarah Palin are reformers with a record. They don't just talk about change; they deliver. <br /> <br /> There have been many promises made in this campaign, but John McCain and Sarah Palin are the only candidates who have a record of standing by their word and putting our country first. <br /> <br /> So please follow this link to send a message recruiting undecided voters you know to vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin. Thank you. <br /> <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Christian Ferry <br /> Deputy Campaign Manager <br /> <br /> P.S. Election Day is less than a week away. Don't wait until it's too late - cast your vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin and recruit 5 or more undecided voters you know to do the same. Remember, if you recruit 5 or more voters, your name will be included on our "5 for Victory" leader board. Thanks for your support.
Superbe soirée en perspective. Venez nombreux
Merci à l'Apré !
Une chose est sure, les jeunes de l'UMP-31 se bougent :<br /> <br /> Voir l'article :<br /> <br />